Silvia Nichita

The hero

The hero represents the warrior who accepts challenges and always faces them with his head held high, he is ready to get involved and improve himself. He faces every obstacle with courage, determination and discipline. He is a source of inspiration for others, as he helps people find the motivation to fight their demons. His life purpose is to triumph over adversity, leaving a mark on the world.

The hero archetype is ideal for the sports sector.

Objectives: improving the world and overcoming one’s limits.

Strengths: courage, determination, justice.

Weaknesses: being considered weak.

An example of the hero archetype:
Nothing is impossible, especially for Nike: this is the message that the commercial wants to convey. Nike speaks directly to people, telling them that they will do great things, even if they don’t expect it. The message it wants to convey is: you can do anything if you have the right mindset. The values ​​here are: honesty, courage, encouragement.


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