Silvia Nichita

The caregiver

The caregiver is compassionate and altruistic, always putting others before everything else. His goal is to be a guide and support for his loved ones, especially in the most difficult moments. His daily commitment consists in welcoming people and making them feel safe. It is therefore ideal for businesses related to senior citizens, non-profit, training and health.

Objectives: Taking care of others.

Strengths: Generosity, altruism, hospitality.

Weaknesses: Fears selfishness and indifference.

Example of the caregiver archetype: Unicef, in this campaign, touches the sensitivity of every viewer, showing how what may seem like the plot of a movie is a reality in Ethiopia. The caregiver who is in Unicef ​​saves orphaned children, giving them a future. The values ​​transmitted here are: reassurance, care, hospitality.


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